Climate Hawks of 2020

2020 Endorsements

What we consider in issuing endorsements: First and foremost, a candidate’s actions — not simply repeating the phrase ā€œGreen New Dealā€ in a stump speech. Have you organized or spoken out at a youth climate march? Do you have experience in the renewable energy industry? Are you a state legislator who has written climate/clean energy bills and looking to level up? We also look at viability, although we will back longshots when we find a compelling reason to do so.
We do not endorse mediocre Democrats, no matter how vehemently a Republican opponent may deny climate science. We only endorse when we are convinced that the candidate will commit to strong climate action in Congress.

We like primaries and we like winning primaries. In 2018 we won 6 out of 8 primaries in which we endorsed — a better track record than any of the larger groups whose endorsement records were compiled by FiveThirtyEight. And in 2020 we endorsed in 6 races each in House and Senate, and our candidates won 5 in each chamber — a win record of 87 percent.

Climate Hawks Vote does not accept contributions from fossil-fuel corporations, executives, or lobbyists. We are a federal Super PAC, which means that we are an independent expenditure committee and can’t endorse in state/local races. We do network with others on the lookout for climate hawks who can think globally and lead locally.

Public Service Commission, GA-04

Daniel Blackman

Daniel Blackman is a respected community leader, impact investor, and policy advisor committed to fighting for environmental justice, public health, and political empowerment to uplift Americaā€™s most vulnerable communities.

Daniel Blackman

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U.S. Senate - Massachusetts

Ed Markey

Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts has an outstanding record as a climate hawk, both in the House and now as a Senator. In the House, he was the ā€œMarkeyā€ of the cap and trade Waxman-Markey bill of 2009. In the Senate, heā€™s authored strong climate bills, such as bills to ban oil exports, an anti-Keystone XL bill, coal leasing reform bills, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge protection, and more. Most recently, Markey is the coauthor of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezā€™ Green New Deal -- his S. Res. 59 is the counterpart to her H. Res. 109. And Massachusetts climate hawks told us to endorse Ed, 91 percent to 7 percent.

Ed Markey

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U.S. Senate - Iowa

Theresa Greenfield

Weā€™re endorsing climate hawk Theresa Greenfield for Senate, because Iowa canā€™t wait any longer.

Theresa Greenfield

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U.S. Senate - Arizona

Mark Kelly

Full speed ahead: weā€™re endorsing Mark Kelly for US Senate in Arizona.


Beth Doglio

Weā€™re endorsing Beth Doglio, a state representative, climate activist, and mother, for Washingtonā€™s 10th Congressional District.


Cathy Kunkel

Weā€™re endorsing climate hawk Cathy Kunkel in West Virginia. Not a typo: sheā€™s a climate hawk in West Virginia with a good shot at unseating incumbent extremist Republican Alex Mooney in West Virginiaā€™s second district. Cathy is running to give voice to West Virginians who arenā€™t given opportunities available in other communities. She wants a genuine plan for a just transition for the coal miners and those who depend on them -- and of course she supports a Green New Deal.

Cathy Kunkel

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U.S. Senate - Maine

Sara Gideon

We asked Maine climate hawks which of the Democrats facing Collins we should endorse. They preferred, by a large margin, Sara Gideon, Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives.


Christy Smith

Climate Hawks Vote is thrilled to endorse Christy Smith. Christy will fight for a Green New Deal in Congress -- and sheā€™ll fight for the workers who need a just transition. When climate and labor folk ally together, weā€™re unstoppable.

U.S. Senate - South Carolina

Jaime Harrison

Heā€™ll reduce dependency on fossil fuels and oppose offshore drilling: We're endorsing Jaime Harrison for U.S. Senate in South Carolina.

Jaime Harrison

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Dr. Cameron Webb

Dr. Cameron Webb, a practicing doctor and environmental justice advocate, can treat the health of our planet.

Dr. Cameron Webb

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TX - 10

Mike Siegel

Mike may be the boldest climate hawk running for a Texas Congressional seat.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidateā€™s committee.

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