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Help Climate Hawks Take The House

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Four years ago this week, the fossil-fueled Superstorm Sandy struck our nation, killing 160 of our fellow Americans. Millions of people called for swift climate action — but it never came.

With Republicans running the House of Representatives, they’ve instead spent the past four years prosecuting climate scientists, refusing to fund climate disaster relief, blocking fracking regulations, and pretty much doing whatever the Koch and Exxon paymasters tell them to do.  They even spent months blocking any relief for the communities devastated by Sandy.

Now the proto-fascistic presidential campaign of the bigoted Donald Trump is showing America how truly crazy and toxic the party of climate denial is – giving climate-hawk Democrats a chance to take back the House if turnout in November is high.

If climate hawks take over Congress, we can halt toxic fracking, stop extreme-energy projects, put a price on carbon pollution, subpoena ExxonMobil instead of climate scientists, and invest billions in renewable, resilient infrastructure to restore climate justice and end the fossil-fuel economy – before it’s too late.

Chip in to help build a furious storm to help Climate Hawks Take The House.

Now, taking back the House is a big challenge – Republicans currently hold a 30-seat advantage. But all across the country, Democratic registration is up and Trump’s continuous stream of bile is turning off GOP voters.

It’s a safe bet the American people will be kicking a lot of climate deniers out of office in 2016—it’s up to us to get rid of as many as possible.

And 2016 is the hottest year on record, with catastrophic floods, wildfires, drought, and storms raising the urgency of global warming in voters’ minds.

If the millions of Americans in the climate movement are mobilized for this election, this country will start the next year with a clear mandate for climate action.

Climate Hawks Vote has vetted 35 climate-hawk candidates running to take House seats away from Trump-Koch Republicans. These candidates are running on the crazy premise that climate science is real, and that real action is required. If they all win, climate hawks will control the House of Representatives (we actually only need 30 of these candidates to take back the House). It’s that simple.



CA-04 Bob Derlet

Bob’s top priority is sustainable clean energy policy. His opponent, incumbent Tom McClintock, is a global warming denier representing the Sierra foothills where climate-changed drought is killing millions of trees.

CA-10 Michael Eggman

As a farmer and beekeeper, Michael knows the climate crisis is real. His opponent, incumbent Jeff Denham, is a global warming denier.

CA-25 Bryan Caforio

Bryan is fighting to hold Sempra Energy accountable for the Aliso Canyon methane disaster. He believes in science and understands that climate change is a paramount threat to national security. His opponent, incumbent Steve Knight, is a global warming denier.

CA-49 Doug Applegate

Doug pledges to work very hard in Congress on measures that combat global warming, because we have no time to stand idly by as our coastline continues to erode and the drought cripples our economy. His opponent, incumbent Darrell Issa, is a notorious global warming denier.


CO-08 Morgan Carroll

Climate Hawks Vote has endorsed Morgan because she’s a renewable-energy champion taking on a Koch-backed climate denier. Morgan is fighting Colorado’s fracking frenzy and working to create jobs that save the environment.


FL-07 Stephanie Murphy

Stephanie  will be a strong advocate for our environment, for clean air and water, and for smart investments in green energy that both reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and make energy more affordable for Florida families.

FL-08 Corry Westbrook

Corry is an environmental activist who has successfully worked to stop oil and gas exploration along Florida’s coast, and she has pledged to fight for a carbon tax to fight global warming on day one. Her opponent, incumbent Bill Posey, is a global warming denier.

FL-25 Alina Valdes

Alina says that addressing climate change in Florida  must be a priority if we are to remain above water. Her opponent, incumbent Mario Diaz-Balart, is a global warming denier.


IA-01 Monica Vernon

Monica knows extreme climate disasters are on the rise, and supports strong investment in renewable energy to combat climate change. Her opponent, incumbent Rod Blum, is a global warming denier.

IA-03 Jim Mowrer

Jim knows climate change is one of the biggest threats to both our national security and Iowa’s economy. His opponent, incumbent David Young, is a global warming denier.


IL-10 Brad Schneider

Brad believes we must act without delay to address climate change. His opponent, incumbent Bob Dold, claims to recognize the science of climate change, but has repeatedly voted for the Keystone XL pipeline and other fossil-industry subsidies.

IL-13 Mark Wicklund

Mark recognizes that human-caused climate change is a threat to our nation’s and the world’s security. His opponent, incumbent Rodney Davis, is a global warming denier.


ME-02 Emily Cain

An effective renewable-energy proponent, Emily knows Maine must be a leader in the fight to stop global climate change. Her opponent, incumbent Bruce Poliquin, is a global warming denier.


MI-01 Lon Johnson

Lon is running to shut down the Line 5 oil pipeline, ban fracking, and invest in renewable energy. His opponent, Jack Bergman, thinks the United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal and backs the Keystone XL pipeline.

MI-06 Paul Clements

Paul warns about the extreme threat of carbon pollution to our nation, and demands that polluters pay for needed investments in clean energy manufacturing. His opponent, incumbent Fred Upton, is a Koch-backed global warming denier.

MI-07 Gretchen Driskell

Gretchen has fought for a moratorium on fracking and is a champion for clean water, clean air, and renewable energy. Her opponent, incumbent Tim Walberg, is a global warming denier.


MN-02 Angie Craig

Angie states that climate change is certainly a threat to our environment and the health and safety of our people. But she also sees great opportunity to create economic growth through smart public policies.


ND-AL Chase Iron Eyes

Chase, raised on the Standing Rock reservation, is a proud voice opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. His opponent is one of Donald Trump’s energy advisors.


NH-01 Carol Shea-Porter

Carol supports the Clean Power Plan and will stand up for New Hampshire so that its residents don’t have to breathe the polluted air created by other states. She wants to see an Apollo-style program to break our dependence on oil for environmental and security reasons, and we must do it now.


NV-04 Ruben Kihuen

As a state legislator, Ruben championed bills to increase the percentage of our state’s energy that is produced by renewable energy. In Congress, he will work to end fossil fuel subsidies and work to see that polluters pay for the damage they cause.


NY-01 Anna Throne Holst

In Congress, Anna will continue to fight for investment in new technologies that will take us off our dependence on fossil fuels. Believing we have the ability to become energy independent by relying on a combination of solar, wind, and biofuels, Anna wants to make sure that companies in this new industry have the support necessary to succeed.

Anna agrees with 99.9% of scientists and the US Military that climate change and global warming is both reality and a threat. Her opponent refuses to acknowledge the basic science of climate change.

NY-02 DuWayne Gregory

Having witnessed the devastation of Superstorm Sandy firsthand, DuWayne knows that Long Island is uniquely vulnerable to climate change – and uniquely positioned to lead on clean energy jobs.

NY-03 Tom Suozzi

Tom will fight to get federal funding back to his district for much-needed infrastructure projects to enhance roads, bridges, and public transit systems, and create clean energy jobs for workers installing solar panels, manufacturing wind turbines, and building battery operated cars. Tom sees climate change as one of the defining issues of our time.

NY-19 Zephyr Teachout

Zephyr Teachout is a nationally renowned expert in the intertwined fight against corruption in our government, and against fracking.

NY-21 Mike Derrick

Mike believes that American leadership is essential to solving the climate change problem.

NY-24 Colleen Deacon

The 24th District, where Colleen grew up, has one of the cleanest lakes in the country – Skaneateles Lake, and one of the dirtiest – Onondaga Lake. She has seen first hand the damage that pollution does to our community, while witnessing the devastating effects that climate change is having all over the world. If we don’t take action now, we will leave future generations with economic and health issues that will only grow more costly and difficult.


PA-07 Mary Ellen Balchunis

Mary Ellen supports a carbon tax, raising fuel efficiency standards, and a moratorium on fracking.

PA-08 Steve Santarsiero

Steve knows that dealing with climate change goes hand in hand with securing our environment and our local economy. Steve will push for renewable energy sources, not just alternative energy sources, and understands the importance of investing in green jobs.


TX-21 Tom Wakely

Climate Hawks Vote has endorsed Tom because he’s taking on Exxon’s favorite climate denier, House Science chair Lamar Smith. Tom is running as a champion of climate science. He’s connecting the dots among Texas’ record floods, the religious imperative to care for what God created, and the need for urgent action.

TX-25 Kathi Thomas

Simply put, Kathi is running in deep red Texas because she’s a climate activist and her opponent is a climate science denier.


VA-02 Shaun Brown

Shaun knows that Virginia’s Second District is already facing sea level rise. She wants to move to a clean energy future.

VA-04 Don McEachin

Climate Hawks Vote has endorsed Don because he knows global warming is a moral crisis that requires bold action. And his opponent is a rabid Trump supporter.

VA-05 Jane Dittmar

Jane has developed a remarkably detailed plan for environmental security to address climate change and create clean energy jobs targeted to the needs of Virginia’s Fifth District.


WA-08 Tony Ventrella

Tony knows that climate change is real and needs the world’s attention now, and will fight for clean, renewable energy. His opponent, incumbent Dave Reichert, claims to support climate action but has fought for Keystone XL and against the Clean Power Plan.


WI-08 Tom Nelson

Tom knows that climate change is real and it’s threatening our environment. He supports efforts to reduce carbon emissions by ending taxpayer subsidies for large oil companies.

Bernie Sanders’ climate agenda has been called too ambitious—because it would never get through the “implacable hostility” of a Republican Congress. Now we’ve got a real shot at removing Republican control of Congress—and getting rid of any excuses for inaction.

Join the #MoneyStorm – support any or all of these climate candidates today.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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