

Jamie McLeod-Skinner???? Spotlight Race: Jamie McLeod-Skinner for Congress

Climate Hawks Vote has endorsed Jamie McLeod-Skinner for Oregon’s Fifth District. We beat a blue dog who takes fossil fuel money, now let’s elect a climate hawk champion to Congress!

Click here to learn more about Jamie

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Click here to visit Jamie’s website

Most Oregon leaders recognize the reality of climate change. The Democratic legislature’s effort to craft a bold climate bill was thwarted a few years ago when Oregon Republican legislators fled the state rather than show up to vote on a climate plan. People who refuse to show up for their jobs should be fired by voters.

Oregon legislators are proud of their pioneering, secure vote by mail system, and democracy does not seem to be under attack in Oregon as much as it is in other states.

Voting rules and how to vote:

Oregon mails a ballot to every registered voter a few weeks before the election. Keep an eye on the mailbox, and be sure to mail it back or drop it in a drop-box before Election Day! Click here to track your ballot, look up drop box locations and more. Voter registration closed on October 18.

More voting rules and regulations are available from the Secretary of State – remember your polling place or district may have changed this year!


Read this first. c/i/o = challenger, incumbent, or open seat. Pro-climate is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports climate action and the transition to clean energy. Pro-democracy is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports voting rights, access to voting, opposes gerrymandering, or even just has voter registration tools on their website. NFFM = did they sign the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge?

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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