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Maine is uniquely vulnerable to climate change: sea level rise will drown islets while ocean acidification will affect the state’s signature lobster industry. Incumbents tout the Maine Climate Action Plan (Maine Won’t Wait). Of the 35 candidates for state senate, 18 show some interest in climate/ clean energy.

Voting rules and how to vote:

Maine citizens who are registered to vote request an absentee ballot for the November 8, 2022 General Election anytime between now and election day. Ballots must be received no later than 8:00 p.m. EDT on Election Day. For more information on voting early or voting by mail click here.

Same Day voter Registration: In Maine, you can register or update your registration anytime before Nov 8 online or at a local elections office. You can also register and vote on Election Day. Find out what you’ll need to bring with you.

More voting rules and regulations are available from the Secretary of state’s office – remember your polling place or district may have changed this year!

List of all Races

Read this first. c/i/o = challenger, incumbent, or open seat. Pro-climate is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports climate action and the transition to clean energy. Pro-democracy is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports voting rights, access to voting, opposes gerrymandering, or even just has voter registration tools on their website. NFFM = did they sign the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge?

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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