???? No featured races
Indiana has a Republican supermajority. Indiana ranks in the bottom five states on issues such as water quality, air quality, public education, and more. Vote for change, Indiana.
Voting rules and how to vote:
You must request an absentee ballot By 11:59 PM on Oct 27. Click here to learn more about voting early or by mail. Voter registration for the general election closed on October 11.
More voting rules and regulations are available from the Secretary of state’s office – remember your polling place or district may have changed this year!
Read this first. c/i/o = challenger, incumbent, or open seat. Pro-climate is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports climate action and the transition to clean energy. Pro-democracy is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports voting rights, access to voting, opposes gerrymandering, or even just has voter registration tools on their website. NFFM = did they sign the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge?