Press Releases

Congrats Ralph Northam

Climate Hawks Vote congratulates Lt. Gov Ralph Northam on his victory in the Democratic gubernatorial primary. Both he and Tom Perriello ran progressive, substantive campaigns. We’re especially happy that if elected, Northam would commit the state of Virginia to the goals of the Paris agreement. His Republican opponent, Ed Gillespie, would drag Virginia back into the dark days of climate denial and environmental injustice.

Thanks to the Climate Hawks Vote members who donated, knocked doors, made calls, tweeted, and blogged for Tom Perriello and his vision of a Virginia free of both fossil-fuel pollution and the corrupting influence of the fossil-fuel industry’s money. Tom pledged not to take fossil fuel money, setting a valuable precedent. In California, elected members of Congress and candidates for governor and Congress have also signed our pledge. We hope Northam will join the swelling ranks of political leaders willing to stand up against the dirty influence of Dominion Energy. 

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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