
Congrats Climate Hawk Primary Winners Kara Eastman and Jess King

Climate Hawks Vote congratulates Kara Eastman in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District and Jess King in Pennsylvania’s Eleventh Congressional District for their victories last night.

“We endorsed two strong progressive women with proven track records of fighting dirty fossil fuel pipelines in their districts, and we’re overjoyed at their primary wins,” says RL Miller, cofounder of Climate Hawks Vote.

“Kara ran a strong campaign, working hard for every voter, sparkling in debates, not ignoring the Latinx population of Omaha, and connecting Nebraska values with progressive values. Eastman’s win over the doubters and the DCCC is especially gratifying,” Miller adds. Climate Hawks Vote was the only climate/environmental group to support Eastman in the primary, with others all sitting on the sidelines.

Climate Hawks Vote endorsed Eastman in December 2017 and has fundraised for her consistently since then. In the last week before the election, Climate Hawks Vote ran recall digital ads targeting over 30,000 progressive/environmentalist voters. We estimate that at least 7,640 of our targeted voters remembered seeing the ads. 

Jess King was unopposed in her primary following the redrawing of Pennsylvania’s lines and other candidates reassessing their races. In a sure sign of King’s confidence in her primary victory — and status as a climate hawk — she led a forum opposing a fossil fuel powerline in her district the day before the election.

Climate Hawks Vote has won 4 of the 4 races in which it’s endorsed this cycle — Sean Casten in IL-06 (as with Eastman, Climate Hawks Vote was the only national green group to have endorsed), Jana Lynne Sanchez in TX-06 (made it into the May 22nd runoff), and now Kara Eastman (NE-02) and Jess King (PA-11).

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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