Gimme an entirely mythical shelter

Harvey Heartless: A debt ceiling or the roof over their heads?

One hundred and seven Republicans in Congress – 90 members of the House and 17 Senators – have just voted against the Hurricane Harvey relief package, which raised the debt ceiling to avoid the threat of a government shutdown. The hall of shame includes House Texans Smokey Joe Barton (TX-06), Jeb Hensarling (TX-05), Sam Johnson (TX-03), and Mac Thornberry (TX-13), House Floridians Matt Gaetz (FL-01) and Ted Yoho (FL-03), and Senate Republicans James Lankford, from neighboring Oklahoma, and vulnerable Arizonan Jeff Flake.

“These ‘Harvey Heartless’ have just shown their utter contempt for Americans desperate to keep roofs over their heads. We respectfully suggest that those 107 Republican members of Congress hunker down at Mar-a-Lago with the debt ceiling to shelter them from incoming storms.”

View the House roll call vote 

View the Senate roll call vote

The 17 Senators who voted against Hurricane Harvey disaster relief:

  • Jeff Flake of Arizona
  • John McCain of Arizona
  • James Risch of Idaho
  • Joni Ernst of Iowa
  • Chuck Grassley of Iowa
  • Jerry Moran of Kansas
  • Rand Paul of Kentucky
  • Deb Fischer of Nebraska
  • Ben Sasse of Nebraska
  • James Lankford of Oklahoma
  • Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
  • Lindsay Graham of South Carolina
  • Bob Corker of Tennessee
  • Mike Lee of Utah
  • Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
  • Michael Enzi of Wyoming

The 90 Representatives who voted against Hurricane Harvey disaster relief:

Bradley Byrne (AL-01)
Martha Roby (AL-02)
Mo Brooks (AL-05)
Gary Palmer (AL-06)
French Hill (AR-02)
Bruce Westerman (AR-04)
Paul Gosar (AZ-04)
Andy Biggs (AZ-05)
David Schweikert (AZ-06)
Trent Franks (AZ-08)
Tom McClintock (CA-04)
Duncan Hunter (CA-50)
Scott Tipton (CO-03)
Ken Buck (CO-04)
Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
Matt Gaetz (FL-01)
Ted Yoho (FL-03)
Doug Collins (GA-09)
Jody Hice (GA-10)
Barry Loudermilk (GA-11)
Peter Roskam (IL-06)
Randy Hultgren (IL-14)
Darin LaHood (IL-18)
Jackie Walorski (IN-02)
Jim Banks (IN-03)
Todd Rokita (IN-04)
Luke Messer (IN-06)
Trey Hollingsworth (IN-09)
Lynn Jenkins (KS-02)
Kevin Yoder (KS-03)
Ron Estes (KS-04)
James Comer (KY-01)
Thomas Massie (KY-04)
Garland “Andy” Barr (KY-06)
Andy Harris (MD-01)
Bill Huizenga (MI-02)
Justin Amash (MI-03)
Tom Emmer (MN-06)
Ann Wagner (MO-02)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03)
Vicky Hartzler (MO-04)
Sam Graves (MO-06)
Billy Long (MO-07)
Jason Smith (MO-08)
Trent Kelly (MS-01)
George Holding (NC-02)
Virginia Foxx (NC-05)
Mark Walker (NC-06)
David Rouzer (NC-07)
Richard Hudson (NC-08)
Mark Meadows (NC-11)
Ted Budd (NC-13)
Don Bacon (NE-02)
Adrian Smith (NE-03)
Stevan “Steve” Pearce (NM-02)
Lee Zeldin (NY-01)
Brad Wenstrup (OH-02)
Jim Jordan (OH-04)
Warren Davidson (OH-08)
Michael Turner (OH-10)
James Renacci (OH-16)
Markwayne Mullin (OK-02)
Steve Russell (OK-05)
Scott Perry (PA-04)
Keith Rothfus (PA-12)
Marshall “Mark” Sanford (SC-01)
Jeff Duncan (SC-03)
Ralph Norman Jr. (SC-05)
Kristi Noem (SD-AL)
John “Jimmy” Duncan Jr. (TN-02)
Scott DesJarlais (TN-04)
Diane Black (TN-06)
Marsha Blackburn (TN-07)
David Kustoff (TN-08)
Sam Johnson (TX-03)
Jeb Hensarling (TX-05)
Joe Barton (TX-06)
Mac Thornberry (TX-13)
Chris Stewart (UT-02)
Robert Wittman (VA-01)
Bob Goodlatte (VA-06)
David “Dave” Brat (VA-07)
Morgan Griffith (VA-09)
Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03)
James Sensenbrenner Jr. (WI-05)
Sean Duffy (WI-07)
Mike Gallagher (WI-08)
Alex Mooney (WV-02)
Evan Jenkins (WV-03)
Liz Cheney (WY-AL)

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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