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Climate Hawks Vote applauds Congressional call for ExxonMobil investigation

Climate Hawks Vote (CHV) strongly supports the letter by Representatives Ted Lieu (D-CA-33) and Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA-11) calling for a Department of Justice probe of ExxonMobil’s climate deception. Rep. Lieu was endorsed by CHV in 2014, and CHV launched a petition this September calling for a DOJ investigation of ExxonMobil.

RL Miller, cofounder of the group, states: “Exxon knew. Two separate media outlets have documented Exxon’s research into climate change in the 1970s and early 1980s. Knowing the the risks caused by fossil fuels, Exxon spent the next thirty years financing a vast network of climate deniers from the Heartland Institute to Willie Soon to prevent public action.  Exxon’s malfeasance may constitute violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, the False Claims Act, or the Securities Exchange Act — or all of the above. The Obama administration needs to act without delay to stop Exxon’s climate criminality.”

Miller adds: “Rep. Lieu, an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (reserves) and former JAG prosecutor, is well suited to ask those tough questions. This is why our members work to elect climate hawks like Rep. Lieu to Congress.”

The Climate Hawks Vote petition calling for Attorney General Loretta Lynch to prosecute ExxonMobil can be seen here:

About Climate Hawks Vote: We’re a grassroots-funded organization building political power for the climate movement. Hatched in 2014, we endorsed 17 candidates and won 11 of those races. We hold politicians accountable through a sophisticated scorecard tracking not only votes, but also leadership and public engagement on climate. Our board of directors includes Bill McKibben and Jigar Shah.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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