
Send a Letter to the Editor Connecting Wildfires with Climate Change

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Thanks for sending a letter to the editor to the USA Today and your hometown paper calling on them to publish what scientists have to say about climate change and wildfires.

To send a letter to the USA today, email   Submissions of 200 words or fewer have the best chance of being published. Letters must include a name, address and phone number.

To find out the submission guidelines and procedures for a paper near you, use this handy guide from Organizing for Action.

Specific points to make, putting them in your own words:

  • Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke is failing his duty to protect the American public when he speaks out about preventing wildfires while ignoring the chief reason we’re having more dangerous fires:  climate change and the hotter, dryer conditions being caused by excessive use of fossil fuels.
  • 97% of peer reviewed climate scientists agree:  burning fossil fuels is what’s causing our climate to become noticeably warmer.  And scientists within Zinke’s own Department of Interior have repeatedly found that the hotter, dryer conditions caused by climate change are the chief reason our fire seasons are now longer and more dangerous.
  • Trump, Zinke, and the rest of the Administration need to stop serving the fossil fuel industry and start serving the American public.

If you live in an area immediately impacted by wildfire, add in something about how the wildfires are affecting you!

If you successfully place your letter to the editor and find the online link to it, please email to let us know.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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