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The oil companies are trying to drown this carbon fee initiative with a tidal wave of $26,000,000 and counting.

The Washington state initiative, I-1631, would place a $15 per ton fee on greenhouse gas pollution, raising over $800 million a year for investments in the clean energy economy. It’s backed by the largest coalition in Washington history. Unions, tribes, communities of color, faith groups, health professionals, businesses like Microsoft and REI all support I-1631.

Its only foe is the oil companies — and they’re trying to drown I-1631 in a tidal wave of dark oily money. No one else opposes it. Only the oil companies. BP, Koch, Shell, more — they’re all flooding the airwaves with lies.

The only way I-1631 passes is with people power. Step up.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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