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One out of every six jobs in Wyoming depends on the fossil fuel industry, and the few climate hawks running in Wyoming understand that: they are campaigning on the need for a just transition and the potential in clean energy. Merav Ben David, running in statehouse district 46, is a literal climate scientist who deserves your vote (if you’re in her district), as does Lynette Grey Bull running for Congress. Please write in Mary Throne for Secretary of State. The only candidate on the ballot is an election denier.

Voting rules and registration

Early in-person voting: Early voting is available September 23-Nov 7, the day before the election.  Click here for more information on voting early or by mail.

Voter Registration closes on October 24 for the general election. Click here for more information on registering or updating your voter registration. 

Voting rules and regulations from the Wyoming Secretary of State – remember your polling place or district may have changed this year!

List of all Races

Read this first. c/i/o = challenger, incumbent, or open seat. Pro-climate is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports climate action and the transition to clean energy. Pro-democracy is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports voting rights, access to voting, opposes gerrymandering, or even just has voter registration tools on their website. NFFM = did they sign the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge?

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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