
South Carolina

???? No featured races

South Carolina has some fierce defenders of democracy, both longtime incumbents and fresh faces. Although the Low Country is uniquely vulnerable to flooding and other climate impacts, not enough candidates are running on climate change. Joe Cunningham, running for Governor, has spoken out against oil drilling in the past, and Annie Andrews, running for the First Congressional District, will put science first. Some of the standout candidates running for statehouse include environmental scientist Michelle Brandt in the Charleston area (District 114), incumbent Todd Rutherford in Richland County (District 74), and climate activist Chris Salley in UpCountry (District 7).

Voting rules and registration

Early in-person voting: Early voting opens Monday, October 24, 15 days prior to election day, through Saturday, November 5, three days prior to election day,  Click here for more information on voting early or by mail. Voter registration closed on October 11.

Voting rules and regulations from the SC Elections Commission – remember your polling place or district may have changed this year!

List of all Races

Read this first. c/i/o = challenger, incumbent, or open seat. Pro-climate is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports climate action and the transition to clean energy. Pro-democracy is defined inclusively as a candidate who supports voting rights, access to voting, opposes gerrymandering, or even just has voter registration tools on their website. NFFM = did they sign the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge?

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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