
Yassamin Ansari

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Yassamin Ansari has served as a Phoenix City council member and vice-mayor. She has a very strong background in climate advocacy, beginning with working on the Paris Climate Agreement and serving under California’s then-Gov. Jerry Brown.

During Donald Trump’s time in office, Yassasmin decided that the best way to make climate policy happen would be as an elected official. So she launched a successful campaign for Phoenix city council where she led the charge to create the city's first Climate Action Plan, electrify the city bus fleet, created a heat mitigation office, and voted to fund public parks. She’s also acted to address homelessness and build affordable housing in Phoenix, and of course she’s pro-choice.

In short, she’s a climate hawk through and through. And when we surveyed climate hawks in the district, ninety percent of the people who responded told us to endorse Yassamin.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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