Iowa's 1st District

Tom Heckroth

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Tom is running for Congress to stand up to the Trump administration and to flip a very winnable seat. Tom’s most recent work has been helping private businesses reduce their carbon footprint. Prior to that, he worked for Iowa’s long-term Senator Tom Harkin and President Obama’s Department of Labor.

Climate Hawks Vote only takes sides in primaries where there’s a clear contrast. Here, Tom faces a primary opponent whose website doesn’t say a thing about climate change, or even the environment, and who's both taken a stand for, and taken money from, the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Iowa’s First District primary presents a clear contrast between Tom, standing up for clean air, clean water, and an America free from its dependence on oil, and a primary opponent who backs the Dakota Access Pipeline and other fossil fuel infrastructure.

Tom is running for Congress to stand up to the Trump administration and to flip a very winnable seat.  Tom’s most recent work has been helping private businesses reduce their carbon footprint. Prior to that, he worked for Iowa’s long-term Senator Tom Harkin and President Obama’s Department of Labor. 

Tom faces a primary opponent whose website doesn’t say a thing about climate change, or even the environment.  It’s not all that surprising. She’s definitely in favor of expanded fossil fuel infrastructure. She wrote a 2015 letter supporting approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline, then took money from the Dakota Access Pipeline builder!

Iowa’s First District is considered one of the swingiest red-to-blue districts in the country, meaning that it’s exactly the kind of district that should be swept up in a Democratic wave election. The incumbent climate-denying Republican Rod Blum is mired in an ethics scandal. We know November will bring a blue wave. But it won’t be a climate wave unless we support candidates like Tom Heckroth.

Paid for in part by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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