We’re endorsing in this primary because Andrew is the strongest climate hawk who can defeat both the preferred choice of Washington establishment Democrats and the Republican Senator in office. Andrew’s chief opponent in the primary is John Hickenlooper, who ran for President, refused to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge, declared he wasn’t cut out to be a Senator, then dropped out to run for Senate. Climate hawks deride him as Frackenlooper after he drank fracking fluid to demonstrate its (alleged) safety. He’s skipped out on climate-themed debates. Production of oil in Colorado skyrocketed during his term as Governor. On the campaign trail, he’s bashed the Green New Deal as socialism.
Make no mistake, making Cory Gardner a one-term senator is a top priority at Climate Hawks Vote. There is no path to a climate bill passing the United States Senate without at least 51 Democratic Senators, and that starts with replacing Gardner. Gardner is one of the least popular senators in America. Gardner, like every other Republican senator, voted this week to bar witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. When he was first elected, he promised to be a new kind of Republican -- but instead, he’s just been a new soldier in Mitch McConnell’s army of deniers. Let's elect Andrew and put another climate hawk in the Senate!
Watch Andrew Romanoff’s climate ad here:
We hope you’ll find inspiration in it — a serious candidate for the United States Senate speaking boldly on our harsh reality and our hope.